Circle CI Issues that have been worked around Build timelimitīuild jobs have a strict time limit of 3 hours. The Circle CI build creates some specific issues that a packager needs to be aware of.

Create a DMG package using create-dmg tool and sign it.typelib library paths to make package relocatable pyc to avoid writes to the Application folder fix pixmap and imm cache files to remove absolute pathnames.Use install_name_tool to fix all library paths to make package relocatable.Launch macports_build.sh which does (among other things):.Import signing certificate/key from the environment variables.Install all gtk-osx, gimp and WebKit dependencies using JHBuild.This will hopefully shift to official gtk-mac-bundler Install fork of the gtk-mac-bundler - the tool which helps to create macOS application bundles for the GTK apps.As part of the setup, it is running bootstrap-gtk-osx-gimp JHBuild command to compile required modules to run JHBuild. Set up JHBuild with a custom ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom file (see ).

This is needed to ensure that GIMP can run on macOS 10.12+.