
Samvidhan of india
Samvidhan of india

samvidhan of india

To this was added the inherent or fundamental rights and privileges of its citizens and a few directives to run the government.

samvidhan of india

To its great credit, it did not limit itself to merely the skeletal aspects of the administrative setup of the Union and the States, but also gave a wide scope for the thoughtful law-making minds and the consequent limitations thereof to awaken the erring human mind the working hands of the executive for law enforcement and the watchful eyes of the judiciary for interpreting the laws and for the adjudication of disputes. The Constitution of India is one of the most detailed and lengthy constitutions in the world. We celebrate it as the Samvidhan Divas (Constitution Day of India) every year. It was on the twenty-sixth day of November, 1949 that India gave unto herself the Constitution indeed a historical event for all Indians.

Samvidhan of india